Thursday, November 17, 2005

Look, Mom! No swears!

My mother IMed me the other day. The absurdity of that statement is rivaled only by its improbability.

I had put up an away message with a link to this blog, which she dutifully clicked on and discovered this site. After reading my latest entry, she IMed me again, and this was the resulting conversation:

Mom: I'm reading "Let me get this straight." What on earth is it?
Meldraw: Ha! That's my blog.
Mom: I don't remember you mentioning you had a blog.
Meldraw: No? I started it a couple months ago. It's just a random thing.
Mom: Good writing, except for a couple of inappropriate words.
Meldraw: Inappropriate?
Mom: If I were an English teacher I would ask you, "Don't you have the intellect to express yourself without seeking the lowest common denominator?"
Meldraw: It's probably a good thing you're not an English teacher, then.
Mom: “Mother” will do...
Meldraw: My blog is for me to express whatever I want without feeling constricted. That's probably why I’ve never brought it up to anyone in the family. It's not that I don't want you to read it or anything, it's just that it is a separate entity.
Mom: Point taken. You just don't want a potential employer or customer to run across it and be negatively influenced. Everything you do is a self-portrait. How do you want to look?
Meldraw: My name is not attached to this website.
Mom: Your screen name is on it.
Meldraw: What are you trying to say? I'm not ashamed of what I've written.
Mom: Just what I said before. You write extremely well. Just don't be crude if ten thousand people are going to be looking at it.
Meldraw: Ten thousand? I think I have ten regular readers. But I will keep that in mind.


Meldraw: Are you going to start reading my blog now?
Mom: Probably. I'll put it on my list of favorites and check in periodically. You do write well. Will that freak you out?
Meldraw: No.


Meldraw: I'll try not to swear.
Mom: Love you.
Meldraw: Love you.


At 6:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Vegas set an official over/under line on "number of posts until she swears again"?

Actually, it doesn't matter. I'm betting huge on the under.

At 8:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, I have to say...

I read through the posts that are still on the main page here. I counted:
2 "bitch"
1 "fuck"
1 "Christ"
1 "shit"
and 2 "ass"

It's a good thing your mom doesn't read my email. (Is it possible that the coast'ers just have a higher tolerance for swearing? I know it doesn't phase me too much, but then again, I live in the ghetto. I'd actually prefer curses used correctly to the constant stream of "where you at?" "she be mad buggin" and "my baby daddy/mama" that makes my ears bleed.)

At 6:12 PM , Blogger Meldraw said...

unpossible, thank you for your confidence. Really.

Kate, I find it interesting that you don't count "pissed" or various incarnations of "damn" as swear words. Also, I suppose "Christ" could be considered a swear in the context that I used it, except that it was a pun, so...

Anyway, I'm going to try to be better. Because, well... Hi, Mom.

At 8:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Pissed' is a SWEAR?! Come on, even MY parents don't count that as a swear!

Wow. 'Damn' is a swear. I guess I could see that, but...

As it turns out, your mom would not approve of my language. I guess I'll stick to the coast where I can curse with impunity.

See? Impunity! I'm smart, I swear! Or... uh, there I go again.

At 9:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The language changes. I've heard three of George Carlin's seven words on regular tv. What used to be curse words have devolved into the regular conversational patois.

Things change, not always for the better. Words that were once powerful no longer are. To which I say, WTF?


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