Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I like things to be story-shaped.

“You’re aware you haven’t updated your blog since December, right?”

“I was disappointed to see today that your blog remains quiet and kind of sad-looking.”

“We're w-w-a-a-a-i-i-i-t-t-t-i-i-n-n-n-g-g-g!!!!!!”

“What's up with you? Have you fallen off the face of the earth? Are you trapped under something heavy?”

“Hope things are ok, and your conspicuous absence is due to some super hot guy who wants to marry you and then employ you as his graphic designer/web girl/travel writer while the two of you travel around the world making millions while feeding the starving and saving the planet from greenhouse gasses.”

“Dude. Blog. WTF?”


Hello, teeming masses.

I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I have not been trapped under something heavy. I have not been whisked away by a super-hot but slightly inappropriate traveling employer. I've just…misplaced myself temporarily.

I’ve actually been meaning (and trying) to update my blog for several weeks now. But I feel like I have nothing to say. I feel uninspired to write. Or, rather, I feel uninspired to write anything I consider worthy of the esteem of my readers. Neil Gaiman once wrote, “I like things to be story-shaped.” I feel the same way, and if my thoughts don’t mold nicely into a pleasant and refreshing literary arc, I consider it sub-par. Delete.

Which, okay, hold up. It’s a blog, for crying out loud. A BLOG. The very purpose of a blog is to be a place for people to dump themselves unceremoniously when they don’t want to be judged by people like editors and teachers and bosses. If Perez Hilton (who I am NOT going to link to because I think he’s probably eight of the top ten things wrong with this country) can throw illegally obtained snapshots of tenuous celebrities up on his website every 15 minutes and draw inappropriate scribbles on them in Microsoft Paint, then I can certainly bring myself to write a slightly boring entry about my cat’s kleptomania, right? Right.

But that’s where my [admittedly ironic] hang-up comes in, and it could be one of many things that differentiate me from Perez Hilton. I don’t like to publish anything that represents myself in a way I consider less than perfect, or as perfect as I can manage at that particular moment. This is why my professional website has been “under construction” for three years. I had no living room furniture for three and a half years because I couldn’t figure out which color scheme would really represent myself the way I wanted. I routinely sabotage myself by wanting to be fabulous. If I can’t be fabulous, well, then I just won’t play with you.

This is a childish, paralyzing sort of perfectionism. I can see that. Admitting you have a problem is the first step.

I don’t really know what the rest of the steps are, but I think one of them is, “Get the f*** over yourself.” So, that’s what I’m trying to do.

I've been keeping a list of things to write about, for when I can once again sit down at a blank computer screen and write something before getting distracted by something shiny:

  • I think I may quit the Yahoo Personals thing. It’s making me kind of exasperated with mankind.

  • I’m dieting again. Except I’m taking this week off. (And last week, too.)

  • I just celebrated my two-year anniversary working for an insurance company in the Midwest, and I’m still a Democrat.

  • I'd like to take a look at my goals for 2008, and a look back at 2007, minus all the funerals.

  • I’m riding horses routinely again. Good exercise, if you ignore the sub-freezing temperatures and the tendency toward injury.

  • You would not believe some of the search criteria that lead people to my blog.

  • Part of my inability to write is the fact that there are so many other blogs on the internet I can busy myself with reading. If I ever get myself organized, I’ll put them all together for you in a neat little package that might be a little more inclusive than the blogroll to your right. But if you have your own blog to write, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Additional suggestions for blog topics (or just general encouragement) are always appreciated. I’m trying to be better. I promise.


At 11:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is a childish, paralyzing sort of perfectionism. I can see that. Admitting you have a problem is the first step."

Hello. My name is Ducklet, and I have paralyzing perfectionism.

I'm right there with you, Twin. But I'm also joyful that you are blogging again. We love hearing what you have to say, regardless if you think it's perfect. Big hugs.

At 1:16 PM , Blogger Examorata said...

Hooray! Welcome back.

I suffer from the opposite of paralyzing perfectionism, in the sense that I will just blather endlessly in my blog to even the point where I am past caring. So I respect your desire to be perfect, but think you're probably awesome enough without overthinking it too much.

At 6:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I routinely sabotage myself by wanting to be fabulous. If I can’t be fabulous, well, then I just won’t play with you."
I *heart* Mel. Also I wish to say that you are fabulous. Also I wish to say also that I have missed you terribly (due to my own self-imposed absence from That Place) and am glad to see you blogging again. I enjoy hearing your thoughts, particularly about the random things.
It occurs to me that I am now waxing sentimental (I seem to be stuck there these days), and that this is no longer (if it ever was) appropriate for a comment on a blog.
So Yay!, you're back! And *hugs*! And I can't believe it's been two years at the "new" job already! And Yay! for the horse-riding, and good luck with the Personals quitting. Or not quitting.

At 8:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Mel is back!

And I swear that your blog is the most interesting thing I've read all day (except possibly for the TMZ post where Britney was let out of the psych ward -- seriously leading to some very interesting and informative conversations around the lunchroom at the firm. I kid you not.)

At 5:26 PM , Blogger Heather said...

Thanks so much for the help!
I was starting to lose my mind, but now I have all of my music back.

At 10:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always love reading your blogs, but I have the added perk of listening to you speak amusingly about so many topics pretty much anytime I want. Looking forward to more written entries, though.

At 4:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in exactly the same position with my own blog. I'm a professional writer, for God's sake, so everything I write HAS to be equal to "Gone With The Wind."

It doesn't help my ego any that the vast majority of my blog entires have that sad little "0 comments" at the end. :(

At 10:26 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Take as long as you need. I like that your entries are well-written. There are a million blogs out there with sub-literature slobs posting eight times a day to say, "OMG I was in Starbucks three minutes ago and I was talking on my iPhone and listening to my iPod and tying my iShoes all at the same time but this old guy was in front of me and he was like so lame and wouldn't step out of the way so I could place my order for a venti triple fat lo-fat double grande cinnamon chipoltle latte with a shot of pumpkin seed oil and vitamin B-complex depth charge and it was like so lame and I was all, Hey old man, the nursing home is around the corner, and he was all Blah blah disrespectfulcakes but then I remembered that my favorite show is on tonight (Deal or No Deal--yay!) so I was like, Whatevs . . ."

All of which is to say, your posts are usually worth the wait.

At 12:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paralyzing perfectionism runs in the family: If you haven't started, you haven't failed!

Your blog is further distinguished not only by the clever posts but by the clever comments as well! I think Starbucks might be in development with the vitamin B-complex depth charge . . .

I vote for the funny search critieria that lead to your blog. When you have a moment. xx


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