Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Garth Brooks, cancer, and illegal U-turns.

I'm sending out a general S.O.S. on the off-chance that some of you might NOT make fun of me for this.

I want to go see Garth Brooks.

Alright, please, go ahead and get it out of your system: "Dude, she likes...Garth...Brooks? Seriously?" Yes, I do, and so does my mom. Many years ago, she and I promised each other that if Garth ever "came out of retirement" to do another live show, she and I would go together. We've sung his songs extremely loudly and off-key on many family road trips, and it's kind of a thing for us. Nobody can belt out "Callin' Baton Rouge" while making an illegal U-turn like the [-Draw Family] ladies.

So now that Garth has suddenly decided to do eight shows in Kansas City next month (one's on my birthday!!), I want in. Naturally, tickets sold out in about a second. I'm not a fan of scalpers and I have moral objections to paying enormous sums of money for the tickets that are floating around the internet, so...

Does anyone have two extra tickets (together) that they'd like to sell me for face value or thereabouts? I have preferred dates, but if I can get reasonable tickets, I'll rearrange my schedule.

I really don't want to have to pay a scalper (illegal!) or write to Ellen DeGeneres and tell her that my cancer-victim mother wants to go see this once-in-a-lifetime show while she still has some time left on this planet with her daughter (true, but morally ambiguous!). That last one was her idea, I swear.*


*It might have been my idea.


At 6:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mel!!! Garth Rocks!! I saw him twice before he retired!! I even dragged some non-country fans who truly enjoyed his show! Extremely jealous! Love to all and good luck with tickets. Did you try ebay? I would try almost anything!! Keep us informed....

At 6:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you couldn't pay me to go see him in concert (okay, you probably could; I might even go with a free ticket), I'm sure he puts on a fantastic show. Good luck with the ticket-getting!

At 10:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, I have little scruples when trying to get tickets for this show. Or should I say, while you are trying to get tickets for this show! I'm feeling pretty well right now, but you never can tell what may kick in (and after all, I am scheduled for another surgery in January). Go for it! Use me as you desire!

At 9:17 AM , Blogger Examorata said...

Why pussyfoot around with Ellen? Write to Garth's people directly!

The other morning there was a little story on the morning news about area pre-teens being upset because a Hannah Montana (I had never heard of this person until this story) concert that's coming up in early '08 sold out in moments. The interesting thing was it came up that scalping is not illegal in Maryland. I was completely shocked and disappointed.

At 10:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting tickets, Mel. And I'm glad you didn't have to use your lovely mama for this purpose.

It scares me a little that you had a plan already, with Ellen Degeneres and all.

At 8:47 PM , Blogger Meldraw said...

Yes, everyone! We got tickets! We payed perhaps a leeeeeeetle more than we wanted to, but we got a little carried away with an eBay bidding war. There was a little bit of yelling and jumping around. Whatever, we won!

We're going ON MY BIRTHDAY, and have really good seats. Turns out we didn't need Ellen after all.

(Which is good, because she appears to have other things on her mind at the moment.)

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