Octopussy 2: the Cutening.
Yes, I know: I'm behind schedule. I got your comments. And emails. And voicemails. And IMs. I owe you all a nice, big blog entry, plus interest.
But hold that thought, because I'm not really here. This is a drive-by posting, courtesy of a guy named Chris and a guy named Craig.
This is Chris:
This is Craig:
Now tell me you don't think Craig and his cat, Tommy, are the perfect James Bond villains. Tommy has murder in his eyes and world domination in his heart. He will Take. You. Out. And then he'll disappear with his twin brother, Craig, in a cloud of leave-in conditioner.
Watch yo'self.
Can't watch the video from work, but I'll check it out at home.
Am now suddenly inspired to have a formal portrait taken of myself in evening wear, standing around with my cats looking scared out of their wits.
Which is the standard reaction to me in evening wear. Bing!
Thank you, tip your waitresses, I'll be here all week.
I think I might owe *you* an email, actually. If that makes you feel any better.
Ok. I am now officially kind of in love (or at least, in smit) with Chris. He's cute. And funny. how do you know him? Is he a potential match suitor? Because that would be awesome.
No one would be able to breathe from laughing around the two of you together, but it's a risk I'd be willing to take.
Hilarious! And good to see the Craig and Chris love spreading.
I wonder if blogging sensations such as this one are what Al Gore had in mind when he invented the Internet.
Also, the longer I look at that photo, the more I become convinced that "Tommy" is on the verge of leaping out of my computer screen and into my chest, where he will devour my immortal soul as if it were a particularly delecatable saucer of nonfat soy milk.
You only feel that way because Grandcat has terrorized you so. But I must admit, Meldraw, this was not the posting I am expecting. Reason? Because we all are waiting for the story of the Shawshank Non-Redemption.
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